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What is the Significance of the Good Land?

The Old Testament contains many types of Christ, including the light, the land, the sun, the stars, the trees (Gen. 1-2), the Passover lamb, the manna, the water from the cleft rock (Exo. 12-17), and persons such as Adam, Abel, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Aaron, David, and Solomon. All of these types portray different aspects of Christ. The good land of Canaan, however, is an all-inclusive type of Christ, signifying Christ as everything to the believers. Hence, it is the ultimate type of Christ found in the Scriptures.

Deuteronomy 8:7-10 says, “For Jehovah your God is bringing you to a good land, a land of waterbrooks, of springs and of fountains, flowing forth in valleys and in mountains; a land of wheat and barley and vines and fig trees and pomegranates; a land of olive trees with oil and of honey; a land in which you will eat bread without scarcity; you will not lack anything in it; a land whose stones are iron, and from whose mountains you can mine copper. And you shall eat and be satisfied, and you shall bless Jehovah your God for the good land which He has given you.” The all-inclusive Christ, signified by the good land, is exceedingly rich! He is the springs and fountains (John 4:10, 14; 7:37-38). He is the wheat, barley, and vines (John 12:24; 6:9; 15:1, 5). The innumerable riches of the good land illustrate the unsearchable riches of Christ (Eph. 3:8). This understanding concerning the good land is confirmed by Colossians 1:12, which speaks of “the allotted portion of the saints in the light.” The term allotted portion refers to the allotment of the good land given to the children of Israel as their inheritance, showing that the portion given to the New Testament believers is not a physical land but the all-inclusive Christ for their enjoyment.

The all-inclusive Christ, signified by the good land, is exceedingly rich!

God’s purpose is to have a dwelling place among His chosen people for His expression. In the Old Testament, God led the children of Israel out of Egypt, through the wilderness, and into the good land for the fulfillment of His purpose. In Egypt they enjoyed the Passover lamb for their deliverance and exodus. through the wilderness, they were sustained by the manna, which enabled them to build God’s tabernacle. Finally, after God led them into the good land, they enjoyed that land as their portion. through their enjoyment of the rich produce of the land, they worshipped God and built up the temple for God’s testimony and His unique dwelling place.

In typology, each of these places represents a stage in the progress of the experience of Christ and the fulfillment of God’s purpose. We, the New Testament believers, progress in our experience of Christ as the Passover Lamb to Christ as our daily manna and consummately to Christ with all His riches as our good land. By our enjoyment of the the all-inclusive Christ as everything to us (Col. 3:11), the church as God’s testimony and unique dwelling place is realized and built up (Eph. 2:20b-22), and God’s purpose to have His expression is fulfilled (Rev. 21:2, 3, 22).

For further reading on this subject, please see The All-Inclusive Christ; Life-study of Ephesians, message 30; and Life-study of Colossians, messages 20 and 21, by Witness Lee, published by Living Stream Ministry.

From Issue No. 42, October 2001

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